Resident Evil 4 hits Wii U in North America this week


A re-release of the stellar Wii Edition

How many ports does Resident Evil 4 warrant? All of them. Forever.

Those of us in North America will have another chance to nab the best-playing version, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, when it comes to the Wii U eShop this Thursday, February 4. I’m not sure what took so long, as European players have had it since last October. Weird.

If you’re wondering if it’s a wise idea to play this for the first time now, in 2016, the answer is “hell yes!” It’s a defining game, one that holds up remarkably well. I’m tempted to break out my copy for a jaunt through the sublime opening village sequence. It does not get old.

[Good looking out, Torchman]