There's a devious Mario Maker war going on between two well-known games journalists


And it’s all for charity

We’ve seen Mario Makerbring out the insidious in people. Plenty of folks are creating levels that are downright devilish. However, few of them have grabbed the spotlight quite like what’s happening between two well-known video game journalists.

Giant Bomb’s Dan Ryckert and Kotaku’s (and Giant Bomb alumnus) Patrick Klepek are embroiled in a Mario Makerwar. Ryckert has spent the past few weeks making “nightmarish levels of pain and suffering.” Klepek has brazenly made it his mission to best all of them. That sets the stage for one final showdown — an event that’s taking place right now which has been dubbed “The Ryckoning.”

With some help from the Giant Bomb community, Ryckert has put together a level that he’s certain Klepek can’t clear. Klepek has 72 hours to do it. Realistically, it probably won’t happen — you almost have to be inside the head of the creator to have any chance of knowing the steps necessary to complete it. The level code is 861E-0000-009C-8913 in case any of you want to give it a shot.

There’s a bit at stake, too. Each of them has $100 riding on the belief that they’ll be the victor. The money’s not going in their pocket, though. It’s all going to charity.

In fact, a lot more than $100 will be donated to a charitable cause. The two set up a GoFundMe campaign so others can chip in if they’d like. At time of writing, more than $4,600 has been contributed. The winner decides which charity the money goes to. Ryckert’s playing for the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation; Klepek’s repping the American Heart Association.

The video up above chronicles Klepek’s first attempt at The Ryckoning. He’s more than an hour in, and things aren’t going well. For anyone who wants to know the solution, Twitch user SodiumEyes has a flawless six-minute run at this link.

It’s tough picking a corner in this silly battle. My heart’s with Klepek, but my brain’s backing Ryckert.

Dan Ryckert vs. Patrick Klepek [GoFundMe]