lets you embed MS-DOS games into your tweets


Farewell, productivity. I hardly knew ye

Twitter is simultaneously the best and worst thing ever. It lets me shout aimlessly and shamelessly into the void, vent my feelings and frustrations, and – alarmingly frequently – share my hot MMO boyfriends with the world. On the downside, there are other people there. Ick. Gross. How dare they.

Now Twitter’s taken on another glorious use, it lets me play games within in it. As first reported by Gamasutra, the Internet Archive’s large collection of MS-DOS games are now all embeddable simply by sticking the link to the game in to a tweet. Every games journalist who has the pleasure of reporting on this story has been sharing games and embedding themselves in to the article, and I shall be no exception:

Today I learned Shadow of Mordor wasn’t the first game called Shadow of Mordor. Well, it was, but you get the idea:

— Joe Parlock (@joeparlock) April 30, 2015

Designasaurus 2 is the most early-90s thing ever:

— Joe Parlock (@joeparlock) April 30, 2015

As Gamasutra points out, the legality of this is blurry at best, as is almost all game emulation. However, it is part of the Internet Archive’s ongoing effort to try and preserve games that may be lost as their platforms become older and rarer, so let’s hope it gets to stick around for a long time.