The Battletoad fight in Shovel Knight Xbox One is so much better than the PSN's Kratos


Watch it here

Shovel Knightis the gift that keeps on giving. It was already pretty loaded for a digital release, packed with secrets and replayability, but Yacht Club Games has been busy with other stuff too. For starters, the PSN version has Kratos, the Xbox One edition has the Battletoads, and there’s a ton of other free updates in the pipeline like a newPlague Knight campaign, more characters, and a multiplayer mode.

You’ve seen Kratos, now you can get a look at the Battletoads below. You are not ready.

Unlocking the Battletoads is as simple as following the exact same unlock method for Kratos in the PSN version of the game. Just follow my instructions hereor watch the recap video aboveand you’re good to go. Now, onto the fight.

Spoilers, obviously.

My God, I was not prepared for this. I thought it was just going to be a single battle with Rash, Zitz, and Pimple, but it’s so much more than that. It’s a three-tiered adventure that takes you through multiple elements of the classic NES game, including, yes, that infamous underground racing section. Oh, and it has a tiny little hub zonethat you can return to in addition to an armor reward.

I mean, Yacht Club Games just went above and beyond with this Battletoads cameo. Kratos was a cool fight that paid proper homage to the character but it was over very quickly. Having these dudes linger here like they’re part of the game’s world is amazing. You can go back and chill with them, enjoy a few Easter eggs, or replay a minigame!

Unfortunately, it’s tough to recommend the Xbox One version over the PSN one overall due to the fact that the latter hosts Cross-Buy and Cross-Save functionality. You’re literally buying three games for the price of one on Sony platforms, which Microsoft can’t really compete with at the moment unless they really kick it into gear with Windows 10. Still, this is basically the same exact game, so it does top the Wii U, 3DS, and PC editions due to the new ass-kickin’ Battletoads boss battle.

Maybe Nintendo can get a Fire Emblemcharacter involved? Who knows, but seeing as how Sony and even Microsoft were willing, it would be disappointing to see them go silent on the matter.