Batman comic will provide the Arkham Knight's origin story


His mother would not buy him a Nintendo and he became resentful

If the headline sounded like “Arkham Origins,” don’t be frightened. Rocksteady is back and WB can’t hurt you any more. Except with delays into late June. But that’s a “it’s for your own good” hurt, like forcing you to eat your vegetables or take the blame for shoplifting that box of Raisinettes. It’s a disgusting candy and you’ll thank me when you’re older.

Speaking of how folks get real messed up in youth, the mysterious villain in the upcoming, M-rated Batman: Arkham Knight is getting a dedicated six-issue comic mini series, Batman: Arkham Knight – Genesis.

Genesis comes out the week after Arkham Knight release. Written and drawn by Pete Tomasi and Alisson Borges, respectively, Genesis goes into the origin of the Arkham Knight. So should we not expect any in-game explanation, or just some extra fleshing out?

Tomasi previously wrote the Batman: Arkham Knight comic that bridges City and Knight. And now I’ve got “LA Woman” in my head. Oooh city of night.

Batman’s Arkham Knight Will Have Origin Revealed in DC Comic [IGN]