This Corpse Party E3 trailer is deliciously creepy


Any Corpse Party news is good news to me

The original doujin game Corpse Party is making its way to PC, and this trailer showcases some of the fantastically disturbing dialogue and scenes you can expect from the cult horror hit. Journey through Heavenly Host Elementary School with a team of students where there’s a dark spirit waiting at every turn. Oh, and plenty of gore. Did I mention gore? There could actually stand to be more of it, but I’ve got Mai-chan’s Daily Life and a host of other content for that.

I especially love the chanting in this trailer, as well as the choice to go with some juicy bits of dialogue at the beginning. And for you purists out there, the original indie voice actors are included in this release. Does that get you excited or what? Oh, man. I can’t wait to get my hands around this game’s throat — er, get my hands on it. Tell me I’m not alone.