Your classmates are dolphins, you have to cheat on a quiz


A class aquatic

Have you ever been woefully ill-prepared for a test that could negatively impact your life because of the test score blinded educational system? And, also, all your classmates were dolphins? Welcome to Classroom Aquatic.

As an exchange student in a dolphin-led classroom, you must cheat on your porp quiz in order to finish within the allotted time, all without alerting the professor or fellow students. Your glances must be surreptitious and porpoiseful, while you can also toss an eraser to cause distractions. You can even toss it at a skeleton.

The second best part of all this is that this game works with the Oculus Rift for a more realistic cheating simulator. There is also a non-Rift version, however. Both can be downloaded, in alpha state (expect bugs), here.