Super Street Fighter gets 5 new fighters, 6 new stages


$15 DLC coming to PS3, 360, and PC

[Update: Added a video of the panel. There will be new costumes and stages added with this update as well, plus an arcade version will be coming out in Japan.]

[Update #2: Capcom-Unity has announced a disc-based version of the update, which will include all previously released Street Fighter 4 series DLC costumes and “future content to be discussed in the future” for $40. Tentative release date is early 2014. They’ve also detailed some of the changes to rest of the roster. Still no word on who the 5th character is or what this Hyper Street Fighter 4 business is about]

Hot off the Super Street Fighter IV panel at EVO 2013 comes news that both Super Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter 4 AE will be graced with five new characters and six new stages in the form a $15 download, date TBD.

Elena, Poison, Rolento, and Hugo (all based on their showings from Street Fighter X Tekken) are the only four confirmed characters at the moment, with the fifth reportedly being all new to the Street Fighter series. That runs contrary to the rumored screencap seen below (thanks @justpeepin!) featuring Alex from Street Fighter 3.

Also in rumor territory is a screenshot of a logo for Hyper Street Fighter IV spotted on Street Fighter 4 producer Yoshinori Ono’s twitter yesterday, but has since been deleted. Could a disc based version of the DLC be coming as well?

More on this breaking story as it comes in.

Capcom announces five new characters and six new stages as DLC for Super Street Fighter 4: AE 2012[Eventhubs]