Chief Thunder teased as next Killer Instinct character


Missing in action since the original KI

[Update: Added a video of the KI trailer below. Skip to 0.54 to get to theteaser portion.]

Microsoft and Double Helix have been doing their best to keep the hype train rolling for the recently revived Xbox One fighterKiller Instinct.

Proceeding a live demonstration at EVO 2013, that showcased the first three announced characters (Jago, Saberwulf, and Glacius), a brief trailer ran showing off some of the game’s latest features like “Counter Breakers.” It was at the end of this trailer where a little glimpse of who the next character might just be.

Nothing more than a tomahawk hitting a tree was shown. But it’s enough for fans (myself included) to speculate that the Native American warrior, Chief Thunder, is making a return to the KI roster.

Hopefully this holds to be the case. I was pretty bummed when my second favorite character in the franchise missed the cut in the sequel. Now can they just announce Orchid already?