A better look at Star Wars Battlefront II's story


But still mostly cutscenes

With a month before launch, DICE is opening up about the Star Wars Battlefront II story campaign.

Today’s trailer is our best look at it yet, highlighting both the broad strokes (“What do we do now that our Emperor is dead?”) and the appearance of certain established characters and locations. It’s worth reiterating that this is meant to fall between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.

The timing here is unfortunate in light of EA’s recent closure of Visceral Games (which was, up until now, making an action-adventure Star Wars title), but I’m liking the story premise for Battlefront II. Granted, this trailer doesn’t give us much of anything in terms of how these missions will actually play.

No matter how the single-player turns out, it’ll automatically be an improvement over the last game.