A Hat in Time developers reach all of their stretch goals


Hopefully that Wii U version will happen!

The developers for A Hat in Time recently went to Kickstarter for funding, and it looks like they did extremely well. How well? As in, “completed all of their stretch goals well beyond $200,000” well. Right now the game is only planned for the Windows and Mac platforms, but they’re trying to get on Steam Greenlight/Steam proper, and possibly produce a Wii U version.

For those keeping track, that’s an extra co-op mode, sixth and seventh bonus chapter, full voice acting, new music by Grant Kirkhope, a New Game+, a “mumble” option to make the game sound like Banjo Kazooie, and more. Personally, this is one of the most interesting Kickstarter projects I’ve ever seen, and would love to see it on consoles. Expect a full take on the game from one of us at release!

A Hat in Time [Kickstarter]