A Stormtrooper smacking his head is one of Star Wars Battlefront's best easter eggs


So that’s what the helmet’s for

Stormtroopers are kind of a clumsy lot. For supposedly elite soldiers, they sure do miss often with their blasters. Oh yeah, a bunch of Ewoks outsmarted and defeated them, too. It seems like if Darth Vader wants something done right, he has to do it himself.

A snapshot of the Stormtroopers’ blundering ways can be found in A New Hopewhen one of them cracks his head on the frame of a door. It’s an innocuous moment, but one that lives on as proof positive of their frequent ineptitude. And, now it continues to live on through Star Wars Battlefront.

EA DICE memorialized the 38-year-old head knock with a quick easter egg in Battlefront. Watch this video courtesy of Eurogamer. In the introduction to the Overpower mission, a Stormtrooper in the background is suddenly seeing stars. Get him to the sideline and he can’t come back until an independent neurological consultant clears him to resume Stormtrooper activities.

Star Wars Battlefront Easter egg references classic Stormtrooper blooper [Eurogamer]