Adventures of Pip follows one pixel's journey to become a hero


Features music by Jake Kaufman

As long time videogame enthusiasts, we have seen graphics evolve slowly over time, with character sprites becoming more and more detailed as time went on. What we do not see often is that evolution through the course of a single game, but that is what 2D action gameAdventures of Pip intends to do.

Pip is just a lowly pixel, but he finds he has the ability to absorb other pixels, becoming more detailed — and more powerful — as he does it. Over the course of the game, he gains new abilities along with his updated looks. Additionally, as the sprites improve, the music does as well. Fans of game music may want to make note that Jake “virt” Kaufman is composing the soundtrack, which always bodes well.

Adventures of Pip is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter and approval on Steam Greenlight.