Alien: Isolation 'Creating the Cast' trailer sure has a lot of mo-cap faces


Space seems a little less lonely with all these friends around!

There’s a new Alien: Isolation trailer out now, and this time it details the work that went into establishing a cast and all the painstaking motion capture that went into creating the characters you’ll meet in the game. It’s the final video in a series of behind-the-scenes featurettes, and I’m kind of glad to see the hype train coming back into the station at this point so I can temper my expectations for October 7.

As a massive Alien fan, I’ve been following Alien: Isolation pretty closely — well, as close as I can without actually watching the several trailers that seem to have been released on a bi-weekly basis. I can’t help it. I just don’t want to spoil every little nook and cranny of the game before it actually releases.

Luckily, we’ll all get to see just how Alien: Isolation is once and for all when it releases this October for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.