All of Tearaway is constructed from one sheet of paper


Well, virtually at least

A new video for Tearaway explains the fundamental idea behind the paper in the game. The really freaking cool part about it all is that every individual piece inside the world is virtual paper, folded up exactly to the artists’ specifications. Graphic programmer Mark Zarb-Adarmi laughingly jokes that it’s “all very tricky.” I don’t think anyone will be arguing with that anytime soon.

The video then goes on to explain the natural progression from LittleBigPlanet‘s push to have the player create things within the game, toTearaway‘s push for the player to recreate the game in their outside world. Since everything can be created from a single sheet of paper, a new community portal called (currently not live) was created so players can share their papercraft plans with everyone.

Considering all the insanely amazing things that came out of LBP, I absolutely cannot wait to see what the community will come up with when they get their hands on Tearawaycome November 22, myself included.