An Unreal Engine 4-powered Warhammer 40K first-person shooter


From the makers of hack-or-be-hacked E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy

Streum On Studio, the developer behind the crazed E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy, already announced Space Hulk: Deathwing, its FPS take on the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

But today might as well be our introduction to the game — there are actual screenshots this time, not a vague teaser trailer. And they look cool! The game has you, a Deathwing Librarian, leading a squad aboard a Space Hulk full of horrors “from Genestealer Hybrids equipped with heavy weapons, through many sub-species of Genestealers, to huge Bloodlords.”

As a Librarian, you’ll of course have access to psychic powers. Points earned in battle can be spent on four skill trees, so there’ll be some progression: improved abilities, new powers, relics, and more weapons, according to today’s press release. Yeah, I’m tentatively in for Deathwing.