And the number one Street Fighter V tournament player in the world is…


Not Daigo

Many of you thought I was joking when I suggested that rapper Lupe Fiasco was going to kick the ass of Daigo “The Beast” Umehara in Street Fighter V. But that’s why I’m paid the big bucks while other hack ass pundits sit there and make predictions without any culpability, from that scream-y finance guy on television to ESPN’s “Bold predictions” segments where talking heads are actually encouraged to make up bullcrap fantasies.

I was right. Lupe won. Kanye likes his ass eaten. Doubters are contractually obligated to buy Tetsuo & Youth or PayPal me the equivalent retail price (converted from local currencies if abroad).

And so how does Lupe’s victory reflect in Shoryuken’s Street Fighter V rankings? Well, Daigo pulling second best in the world in back-to-back games is impressive, but my boy Lu holds the top tournament ranking spot for the time being.