Animal Crossing Drawing Challenge reaps creepy magic


What a troubling delight

Animal Crossing: New Leaf was a lot of people’s game of the year for 2013, but that doesn’t mean that passion for the title has cooled now that we’re well into 2014. Oh heck no. Kiseki Kokoro has challenged the Animal Crossing community to create 30 days of fan art, and the response has been tremendous.

The plan was for each of those 30 days to follow a particular theme from “draw a human version of your favorite villager” to “draw your town tree in its current state”, though some themes have gotten a lot more play than others. The art above is from Bidoofshock Infinite creator Sarah “Astrobats” Thomas, who never ceases to amaze me. Her depiction of aninteraction with Gulliver sums up so much about what makes the series special.

Animal Crossing contains a lot of unnerving moments, though they’re often taken as sweet due to the game’s sugary style. Tweak that style ever so slightly towards the literal side and its easier to see how creepy and great the series can be.