Apple reportedly looking to buy the company behind Kinect


Siri and Kinect K.I.S.S.I.N.G?

A report from Calcalist claims that Apple is looking to acquire PrimeSense, the 3D sensor company behind the original Kinect. Apple has offered $280 million to purchase the Israeli-based company after talks of including the 3D technology into various Apple products.

Apple has remained quiet on the subject when asked about it, but a source at PrimeSense has dismissed the rumor to TechCrunch, telling the site that this is all a “journalist delusion based on unverified and twisted hints,” the source added, also questioning the valuation: “280M? Come on! We’re worth 10 times that.:)

The Kinect itself is pretty bad for gaming with very small exceptions, but the tech behind the hardware is very cool and better suited for other ideas. I can see this working great for stuff like mobile ARGs, granted I’d much rather see Leap integration over Kinect-like tech.

Gesture In The Picture, As Intel Picks Up Omek But PrimeSense Dismisses Apple Acquisition Rumors [TechCrunch]