ARPG Grim Dawn has Steam early access


Things are always grimmest just before the dawn

Grim Dawn, an upcoming ARPG (or Diablo-like, if you prefer) has popped up on Steam today as an Early Access title. As such, the team acknowledges that they “still have significant content to develop,” with features like multiplayer still not included. Access to the game will set you back $29.99, which is temporarily reduced to $26.99 until November 12.

As of now, only the first act is included which should take players anywhere from 8 to 16 hours to complete, according to the developers. They also mention that some players have logged waymore hours than that by item farming through multiple runs.

If I weren’t so pre-occupied with Path of Exileat the moment, I’d most likely jump into Grim Dawn. Despite the simple clickclickclick nature of these games, I just can’t resist trying out each one. You never know when the next Titan Questwill come along!