Assassin's Creed Syndicate releases on PC tomorrow, but will it work?


That remains to be seen

Assassin’s Creed Syndicateis one of the best Assassin’s Creedgames in recent memory. But, only two-thirds of the prospective audience has gotten a chance to see it. While PS4 and Xbox One owners have had the chance to spend three weeks in digital London, PC players have to wait until tomorrow.

Given the problematic launch of Assassin’s Creed Unity, it’s worth beating the drum: Will Syndicateon PC work? Ubisoft carved out three weeks to refine this version so that it shines as brightly as possible. The developer knows that it has to win back the trust of PC players. It can’t afford for this to go off the rails.

Despite the fact that it releases tomorrow, there aren’t yet any impressions from major publications. Sources say that the game just unlocked a bit earlier today, so most likely haven’t had time to play and then write something.

However, a thread has popped up on reddit detailing one user’s issues thus far. It seems as if some Nvidia GameWorks features, like PCSS shadows and HBAO+ Ultra, are causing dips in performance upward of a loss of 20 frames per second. Other than that, some bugs are being reported, but that “It’s pretty good when it’s not breaking.”

Because this is just one person’s experience, it’s hard to say if it’s completely representative of the final product. Bugs are going to happen in a game of this magnitude, but the frequency with which they happen is what determines if they’re acceptable or not. This looks to be better than Unity, but that was practically a given.

Do yourself a favor and wait until more reports are out about the status of this version. We said that Ubisoft has to win back the trust of PC players. That means that it definitely doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt yet.

AC Syndicate PC Port Report [reddit]