Avengers: Infinity War trailer says 'What DCEU?', blows minds


Glove slap, baby glove slap!

Lucky guests at the San Diego Comic-Con 2017 got to see this trailer back in late July, but since then, there’s been little news of when the trailer might debut. That is until recent weeks when Avengers stars and its directors have been leaking media and quotes non-stop.

This movie purportedly has a scene with 32 characters and will feature 60 or more. This third Avengers film is the culmination of a successful cinematic universe world-building campaign that began with Iron Man back in 2008, nine years ago.

What do you think about the trailer? Are you more or less likely to see Avengers: Infinity War now?

Avengers: Infinity War will destroy the box office on May 4, 2018.