Bad manners: You can point at everything in Battlefield 4


The least pointless video ever

So anime, Battlefield.

Clearly not all the manners and morals enforced by the United States Army make it onto the battlefield. This soldier shows no discipline, rudely pointing at things all willy nilly. He even makes this show of insolence into some sort of rap song, the apex of disobedience. I can barely mutter a “good morn’” and sideways glance to my neighbors and even I know this is bad form.

He does seem quite good at the game, though. Maybe he can give me some pointers. Maybe I’m not in-dextrous enough, or maybe I’m more suited to fin-guerrilla warfare. Maybe I can be appointed to less organized Battlefield squad. A list of options to thumb through would be handy. Anyways, don’t let me belabor the point. This is one of the least pointless things I’ve written.