Batman: Arkham Knight PC patch pushed early, seems to work


Still not fully live yet

You all know the story by now — the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knightlaunched, and for most people, it straight-up didn’t work, or bugged out at the attempt to run it on higher settings. Thankfully WB pulled the game, and the Steam refund policy was in effect. WB vowed to patch the game up in August, but later delayed the massive fix until September.

Well, users on Steam are reporting that since they opted into betas for Arkham Knight, a partial update was pushed to their machines, and has mostly fixed the aforementioned issues. The patch brings fixes as well as new graphical options, and allegedly the game now runs at max settings with 60fps.

Sadly, the patch was removed, as it seemed to be a mixup on WB’s part. We’ve reached out for comment, but it looks like the fabled PC patch is on the horizon.

Arkham Knight PC Patch [Kotaku]