Battlefield 4's Spectator mode exhaustively detailed


1,600 words about the particulars of watching people play

There’s a new post over on the Battlefield 4 blog describing the title’s upcoming “Spectator” mode coming to PC and next generation consoles. I’m going to now accomplish in 15 words what took over 1,600 for the gang at DICE: The mode allows you to watch other people play the game in four different views.

Simple, right?

Maybe not. Daniel Matros and Dennis Brännvall from DICE demonstrate with this article the level of consideration that goes into something which should ultimately be as simple as, “click here, watch people play.” From the various views to the design of HUD elements, keeping in mind the needs of the average user versus the competitive and professional communities, and then making all of it work together is not as easy as we’d like to think it is.

Meanwhile, I’ve been enjoying Battlefield 3‘s spectator mode, which is what I call it when I stand over Jordan Devore’s shoulder while he plays. He loves when I do that.