Battlefield wants you back with player appreciation month


Optionally unlock all grenades and handguns

DICE is still in damage-control mode over Battlefield 4 and the latest attempt to curry favor is a month-long player appreciation event, starting February 1. There will be a double XP weekend (two for Premium members), daily Bronze Battlepacks on weekdays and Silver Battlepacks on weekends, voluntary shortcut bundles which will unlock all handguns and grenades for the base game, and more. They’re trying here, but, yeah — I’ve moved on.

As for fixing the actual game, DICE VP and general manger Karl Magnus Troedsson says “…we are further improving a number of items commonly referred to as ‘netcode.’ This will tighten the overall multiplayer experience, and we will be able to share these items with you in detail soon.

“In February, we’re also re-introducing the fan favorite feature Platoons in its first iteration. In this added social layer, you can team up with your friends to create your own social space and accumulate stats together. We’re also working on other feature additions that you’ve been asking for — stay tuned for more.”

Announcing the Battlefield 4 Player Appreciation Month [Battlefield]