Beard View impressions of Puzzle & Dragons Z on 3DS


The Japanese sensation on Nintendo consoles

When Nintendo announced the New Super Mario Bros. version of Puzzle & Dragons for the 3DS, reports came in that their stock values skyrocketed. Puzzle & Dragons is a huge hit on mobile devices in Japan, much like Candy Crush and Angry Birds are in the United States. While the series needs no introduction in its home country, the rest of the world might need a little more information on Puzzle & Dragons before we get too excited about it. Good thing we have Jed from Beard View to help us understand what this Pokemon meets Bejeweled-style union of mass compulsion is all about.

Beard View is a new series from Dtoid and DimmuJed that offers impressions of games that many of us know of but have never been able to play. We’re starting off with Japanese 3DS games, but we could go anywhere from there. If you have games that you’ve only heard about but have never gotten to see for yourself, let us know and we’ll try to get them on Beard View.

While you’re at it, let me know what you think of the Beard View theme song. Like with opening number for Amber’s Unboxing Series, it’s all my fault.