Bethesda just revealed the release dates for the VR versions of Fallout 4, Doom, and Skyrim


And they’re all coming this year

With QuakeCon set to take place this weekend in Texas, Bethesda felt it a fitting time to let us know when some of its virtual reality projects would release. As it turns out, they’re all coming this holiday season.

In a press release, Bethesda revealed the following release dates: Skyrim VRwill launch on November 17 (PlayStation VR); Doom VFRwill launch on December 1 (PlayStation VR and Vive); and Fallout VRwill launch on December 12 (Vive).

As for what these are varies by title. It was confirmed at E3 that Doom VFRwould be a separate game rather than a straight port of Doom. That’s why it’s currently priced at $30 on the PlayStation Store.

However, Skyrim VRseems to be the base game with all the expansions, but ported to virtual reality. As such, it’s priced at $60 on the PlayStation Store. The same is true of Fallout 4 VRwhich is set at $60 on Steam.

Even though two of the three games here are simple ports to virtual reality, they’ll likely all sell well. These titles all have their charms, and there’s probably a decent cross-section of people who have already adopted virtual reality and would gladly play these games again. Doommay be the only new content here, but don’t discount how many folks would gladly wander the Wasteland and Tamriel again in a more immersive way.