BioShock's Burial at Sea focuses on small scale, stealth


Sea you in Rapture

The intriguing BioShock Infinite DLC Burial at Sea features a return to BioShock 1‘s Rapture, prior to its downfall. Also, it’s film noir as heck. Chinatown with splicers. I’m all about this; I’m always ringing the “more noir” knell. In the two part DLC you will play as Infinite‘s protagonist Booker DeWitt as well as Elizabeth. Ken Levine spoke a bit more about the return to Rapture on the PlayStation Blog.

“There are smaller scale combats that give the player much greater opportunity to observe the space ahead of time and set up the combat situation to his or her taste,” Levine said when asked whether the DLC would play like Infinite or be rebalanced. “Therefore traps become much more meaningful than they were in Infinite. So stealth becomes a larger component.” Works for me. Glad Booker is going to play differently as well. The idea of the game playing, “a little more deadly but a little less frenetic,” sounds excellent.

Levine also noted that, “the experiences of Burial At Sea: Episode One has a substantial effect on” Elizabeth and that the team is “spending a lot of time working on how she feels and how she plays.” Still curious how Booker’s manly jawline lets him absorb bullets better than Elizabeth, whose Disney-waist should make her harder to hit than the square jawed target, but I’m infinitely interested in a style of play that’s less blasty-blasty and let’s me settle into this delectable atmosphere.