Bloggers Wanted: Schooled


Because knowledge is power

Gather round boys and girls! School may be back in session, but you should still have a bit of time left to skirt your responsibilities and write some damn blogs!

In the true spirit of the classroom, this month’s Bloggers Wanted prompt is all about “things that video games have taught you.” Whether you want to write about a specific skillset you’ve acquired, love (or hate…) for a genre, game design, music composition, edutainment games, general life lessons, or even delve into more abstract territory…. As long as you’ve learned something, even if you didn’t realize it at the time, I want to fucking hear about it!

The world is your goddamn oyster here! All you have to do is slap some words together and format the title as “Schooled: [your blog title here].” It’s that fucking easy, folks! If your blog is up to snuff, it might even get promoted to theFront Page!

Don’t hold out on me, people! I read everything over in theCblogs.I’ll know if you’re playing hooky this month, and I will look at you with sad puppy eyes if you let me down.