Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night fully funded in less than four hours


$500,000 and counting

Full disclosure: I backed this at the $60 tier. I almost went for the $125 tier, but “No,” I said to myself. “Let’s be reasonable.”

The Kickstarter campaign for Koji Igarashi’s Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has only been up for just over three and a half hours (3:36 to be precise), and it has just hit its $500,000 funding goal. This is the point where IGA and company have proof that people still want to play games like this. From here on out, there are stretch goals like a second playable character, a “Nightmare” difficulty level, and voice actor David Hayter on board.

One of the interesting things about this campaign is that it is gamified. By collecting certain numbers of social media followers (on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube), new backer rewards and stretch goals will unlock. I hope we get through 45 achievements for the “Embarrassing Boots” level; I want to see IGA cosplay as one of these new characters (preferably Miriam).