Bonk, Adventure Island, R-Type all join the Wii U Virtual Console family


All classics

While the franchise has been in turmoil recently when it comes to publishing rights, R-Typeis making a glorious return to the Virtual Console family this week on Wii U for $7.99. It is joined by New Adventure Islandand Bonk’s Adventurepriced at $5.99 each.

I’ve been re-watching a lot of old Nickelodeon shows lately and tracked down the episodes that these franchises appeared in by way of Nick Arcade. They’re not the exact games on offer on Wii U but they’re close enough!

The Virtual Console might be a slow, drip-fed process, but I’m glad it exists in some form and is preserving the past.

Game Overview [Nintendo] Thanks Ben!

Super R-Type (18:10):

Bonk’s Revenge (6:13):

Super Adventure Island (15:30):