Buy a PlayStation 4, get free Fallout 4 at Best Buy


Pretty good deal

No Fallout 4 bundle for PlayStation 4? No problem, says Best Buy. If you’re awake at this ungodly hour (because you’re waiting for this week’s episode of One Punch Man) – then you’ve won the just-in-time lottery.

Best Buy is going all-out with this Sunday’s deal by offering a free copy of Fallout 4 with the purchase of any PS4 bundles (that they have in stock anyways, and that’s only 3 bundles).

Just freaking CLICK HERE and you’ll see the deals available (plus terms and all that).

Here are the three bundles available:

  • $349 – PlayStation 4 500GB Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Bundle
  • $399.99 – PlayStation Destiny: The Taken King Bundle (White)
  • $429.99 – PlayStation 1TB COD: Black Ops III Limited Ed. Bundle

Add any of these to your cart (while they’re in stock online) will get you a free copy of Fallout 4 and “Power A charging station for PS4” (this one is valued at about $15). Sure the charging station isn’t much to look at, but who can argue against a free copy of Fallout 4?

You can of course opt-in on that 2-year Geek Squad Protection but uh… probably best to use the money to buy some diapers for the Fallout 4 play through. Much more useful.

All in all the deal is fairly hot in our opinion given they’re tossing in an upcoming release. While there’s no expiration date available – we suspect its a Sunday promotion that last through the week, but supplies online are usually limited so if they’re out of stock by the time you read this, we’d check in store.

Game deals from Dealzon. Sales help support Destructoid.