Caffeine teases a creepy space adventure about coffee


One-man developer working on atmospheric horror game

This is the latest teaser for an in-development space horror/adventure game, Caffeine, which will put the player into the role of a young boy who awakes on a seemingly abandoned “caffeine mining station.” If that idea strikes you as a little bit silly too, pay close attention to the video, as there are other attempts to embed comedy in the environment, enough to make me wonder what the ratio of scary to funny might be with this one.

If that tickles you at all, though, you should have a look at this pre-alpha gameplay video, which shows largely the same environments as the teaser, but it feels far creepier in an uncut walkthrough. Caffeinehas a Greenlight page where you can keep an eye on the progress. The developer, one Dylan Browne, is currently working toward a playable demo with an aim toward crowdfunding a full game once that’s complete.