Capcom will unveil Monster Hunter: World's PC port details this Monday


Date, Specs and Platforms

It has been quite some time since Monster Hunter: World launched on consoles and started breaking sales records for Capcom. A PC port was promised before launch and even given a tentative launch of Autumn 2018, but we haven’t heard a peep about it in months. Capcom is finally getting ready to talk about the port, though, and we’ll be learning the more pertinent details this coming Monday.

On June 9, Capcom will give us the release date, minimum specifications and distribution platforms for Monster Hunter: World. That last bit should put people at ease since this likely means there will be a DRM free version of the game on GOG. It could also mean the game is coming to the Windows store, which might enable cross-buy with the Xbox One version.

At the very least, we won’t need to speculate about anything anymore. I’m just happy the wait is almost over because I’ve nearly forgotten about World these last few months.

#MHWorld PC version details inbound: Monday, July 9th @ 9am PT / 5pm BST

✅ Release Date✅ Distribution Platform✅ Minimum Specs

— Monster Hunter (@monsterhunter) July 7, 2018

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