Catherine: Full Body opening features a slick remix from Shoji Meguro


Sexy psycho hangover

At this weekend’s Tokyo Games Show, Atlus and Studio Zero revealed the opening movie to their sexy nightmarish puzzle game Catherine: Full Body. The credit sequence features protagonist Vincent lying in bed, preparing for a another night of sheep-and-block based madness.

While the credits roll, smartly integrated into the visuals, a remix of a classic Catherine track, by legendary game composer Shoji Meguro massages your ear canals. Catherine has a delightfully sleek-but-sleazy aesthetic, mixing gorgeous anime visuals, filled with beautiful people, with sharp sudden shocks and creatures that are pure nightmare-fuel. It’s this blend of smooth, sexy style with unnerving imagery that gives Catherine its distinct identity.

Catherine: Full Body launches in Japan on PS4 and PS Vita February 14. The game is confirmed for the west, but a release date is yet to be announced.