ChAIR is wrapping up Infinity Blade III with its final update next week


Feel free to move on to something else, please

As part of my slowly-get-out-of-bed routine this morning, I glanced at my inbox and was delighted to see an email pop up on my phone about ChAIR. Could this be it? The announcement of another Shadow Complex? We’ve been waiting years for a follow-up!

Nah. It was just a press release for some more Infinity Blade stuff.

The studio is preparing its final update for Infinity Blade III, a free download dubbed Kingdom Come. It’ll hit the App Store on September 4, 2014. There’s going to be a new environment, more items and weapons, a dragon — the usual. ChAIR has also put out a recap of the series, viewable above, with some of this new content featured here and there.

I liked the original Infinity Blade fine, but I’m eager to see this team move on to another project.