Check out Flixist's review of Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV


Because you’re not playing the game any time soon

Final Fantasyand uncanny-valley-pushing animated movies have had a mixed history at best, but with Final Fantasy XVgetting the ol’ delay-o-rama you might be hankering for a fix. That’s where you might consider the spin-off film Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XVwhen it releases this weekend for a limited run in theaters or on Aug. 30 when it releases On Demand. But is the film good enough to scratch your itch or will it leave you feeling as hollow as the eyes of a character from The Spirits Within?

Geoff Henao over at Flixist (Destructoid’s move sister site) reviewed the film so you can know. Here’s an excerpt.

Gamers know the storied saga ofFinal Fantasy XV‘s decade-long production marred by platform changes, thematic upheavals, and personnel moves. It wasn’t until this past spring that the scope of theFinal Fantasy XVUniverse was unveiled to include an anime series, spin-off games, and the full-length feature:Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV.

It’s easy to write off any type of multimedia tie-in as nothing more than fluff, but with names like Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad), Lena Headey (Game of Thrones), and Sean Bean (Lord of the Rings) attached,Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XVhad enough star power to prove cynics wrong upon its reveal. However, was that star power enough to holdKingsglaiveup as a solid entity in and of itself, or did it fail to prove its doubters wrong?

Read the full review here.