Check out Games Done Quick event schedule for tons o' speedrunning


How about speedrunning LSD: Dream Simulator?

Do you like games? Do you like games completed in an expedient manner? Bully for you. You should check out Games Done Quick, a charity gaming marathon by speedrunners who pull off some impressive feats. The events are streamed live, viewers donate directly to charity for the event, with up to 150 hours of nonstop speedruns. That’s a little ridiculous, but it sounds like a blast.

The Summer Games Done Quick event schedule is up at the official site and runs from June 22 through June 28. There’s a game here for everyone, ranging from Kirby’s Dream Land to System Shock 2, a personal favorite of mine. Let us know which streams you want to catch, and pony up for charity. In the meantime, I’m going to lament the fact that I don’t think I’ll ever be a competent speedrunner, given my propensity to hang out in lobbies and menus while I break for ginger ale or run off to multitask. Such is life.