Check out this fan-made 'sequel' to Zombies Ate My Neighbors


Zeke and Julie rave from the grave

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (or “Zombies” as it was retitled here) is one of my top five SNES games. Despite a few odd flaws, I loved it then and now. I get a kick out of its theme, great soundtrack, fun sprites and frantic co-op gameplay. Published by a different Konami. A better Konami.

I was always a little disappointed that it never returned in style. Sequel Ghoul Patrol doesn’t live up to the original in the slightest, and spiritual successor Monster Madness (remember that?) doesn’t cut it. It seems some other fans felt the same way, and went ahead and created their own “sequel” ROM of sorts, using the original game’s assets to create a further fifty-four levels of B-movie mayhem.

ZAMN – The Sequel is a love-letter to the 1993 arcade adventure created by a four-man team. All of the original levels have been remapped to form new layouts, some custom stages & sprites (including Killer Tomatoes!) have been added, and some new features included, such as an NPC skull who pops up with hints and tips. Most importantly, you can now scroll through your weaponry in both directions, a baffling oversight on the original game’s part.

Ok, it’s not strictly a sequel, it’s more like a procedurally-generated expansion pack, but it warms my heart to see this title resurrected for one more party, a title that remained dead and buried for too long.

Fan-made Zombies sequel [Nintendolife]