Check out this trip down memory lane with id Software


Ah, memories

I was barely old enough to game in 1993, let alone take trips to id Software for office tours. That’s why I’m so jealous of one Dan Linton, owner of a wildly successful BBS known as Software Creation, who took a trip down to Texas to visit the studio in its relative infancy back then and recorded some footage of John Romero playing Doom for 21 minutes, pre-sound effects, as well as some additional deathmatch play with Shawn Green, another id Software employee at the time.

The video also has footage of additional employees Jay Wilbur, Romero himself, Dave Taylor, Sandy Petersen, and Adrian Carmack with Bobby Prince around to aid in music creation and sound effect work.

It’s an interesting sight to behold, given the fact that Doom is one of my favorite games of all time, and seeing footage like this is a relative rarity these days. If you want to see the early Doom footage, skip around to 9:36 and sit back and relax while your mind wanders all the way back to the golden age of shooters.

A visit to Id Software circa 1993[NeoGAF]