Chrom and Dark Samus are Echo Fighters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Announced today during a Nintendo Direct

Not content with the new bombshell of Simon and Richter Belmont’s appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, series lead Sakurai also confirmed two more Echo fighters — Chrom and Dark Samus. Chrom will mirror Roy (though I see flashes of Ike Nintendo officially confirmed to us that it’s Roy) and Dark Damus will shadow (ha) Samus.

Echo Fighters are selectable with an overlay on top of the characters they echo. They basically function as new skins for existing characters, which in my book is an amazing feature. There have been so many times where I dug the moveset of a fighter but not their aesthetic, and now I have the option to swap to something I might like.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is still slated for a December 7, 2018 release exclusively on Switch.