Combo Crewtiful Joe: Beloved Joe back in mobile game


Isn’t that just V-i-e-w-tiful

What’s with the recent trend of bringing back beloved franchises in ways that just seem to make fans more sad than anything? Earlier this year Capcom announced it was releasing Breath of Fire 6 to fans waiting over a decade with bated breath. Ended up being a browser game. Now Capcom is whetting our collective Viewtiful Joe appetite by allowing him to appear in mobile beat-’em-up Combo Crew.

Combo Crew‘s developer, The Game Bakers, tweeted that Joe would be coming to their game “soon-ish.” Fine, Capcom. Kill Clover and then license its characters to mobile beat-’em-ups. Never forget. Maybe Combo Crew is really good, though. I have no idea.

How do you view this move? Is Combo Crewtiful Joe enough incentive for you to comb over the game? Is this move too Combo Crude?

@TheGameBakers [Twitter via NeoGAF]