Contest: Groupees Be Mine 20 Bundle


Win one of 10 bundles!

Our friends at Groupees are back again, and have the Be Mine 20 Bundle going! To celebrate they’ve given us 10 codes to hand out to the Destructoid community!

The Be Mine 20 Bundle is a game and music bundle which helps support a young lady named Anja beat cancer. You can pay $1 for three games: Z.A.R., Angels That Kill, and Lightrise, and two albums (from Med Downline and The Luna Sequence). Paying $4 or more, gives you access to: Hektor, Pier Solar (and OST), Shadowgate, and more! To win a code to unlock it all, just leave a comment in this thread. Limit one entry per person, and you have until this Friday, June 12 at 11:59pm Pacific to enter. If you don’t want to chance it with an entry, the bundle has just over three days left!

Good luck!