Contest: Ruin your friendships with a Switch copy of Heave Ho


Hang onto your butts

Today’s contest features a Switch copy of Heave Ho — you’re gonna hate your friends.

We keep giving away Devolver Digital games because they keep making games that look awesome as hell. I’d feel bad about it, but I don’t. Step up your game, other publishers.

Devolver’s newest bit of unhinged zaniness comes in form of Heave Ho. We’ve got some Switch keys to give away, so come win one and begin the process of losing every friend you’ve ever had.

I’ll let the trailer above do most of the talking, but man this one’s been on my radar for a while. This is kind of like a platforming, puzzling version of Mounts Your Friends (yay!) with less bulging genitals (boo!) but more meaty sacks of flesh (yay!). Swing around, grab other players, and just overall have a really, really weird time trying to make it from end of the level to the other. I’m not sure why anyone would want anything different out of life. Lord knows I don’t. Just be careful — you’ll probably wind up wanting to slap your friends when they sabotage you nailing the landing you spent three minutes lining up. Just a head’s up.

Ok, so to enter to win a copy use the widget below to leave your name and email address. You can enter daily. For bonus entries, follow Dtoid and Devolver on Twitter, and share our contest post with your friends.

While you’re waiting, tell me just what the shit those blobs are. Are they sentient meatballs? Cosmic boogers out looking for love? A giant’s bored toejam? I’ve got questions, and hopefully, you’ve got answers.

We have four Switch NA keys to give away; winners will be drawn Friday, September 6.

Heave Ho is available now on the Switch eShop. Run over to Nintendo Enthusiast for more chances to win.

Dtoid Contest: Ruin your friendships with a Switch copy of Heave Ho