Contest: Win a copy of RPG puzzler Darkest Hunters for Switch or Steam


I love RPG puzzle games

Come enter our contest for your chance to win a Switch or Steam copy of RPG puzzler Darkest Hunters!

I like puzzle games. I like RPGs. I like when the two come together. What’s not to like about leveling up and casting spells and stuff while doing puzzles?

If you disagree, you’re wrong.

For all those people who are right like me, come enter our contest for a chance to win a Switch or Steam copy of RPG puzzler Darkest Hunters!

Darkest Hunters shakes up the matching puzzle game by allowing for players to create chains from adjacent icons to gather mana and gold. These chains can span as many touching icons as possible, and allow the player to store up energy to unleash equipped spells and abilities to take out enemies. With boss battles, items to collect and equip, and hundreds of levels and challenges, this looks to be a fun little puzzler to play in between all the other things you have to do that aren’t playing video games.

And isn’t having fun the entire point?

To enter to win your copy, comment below telling us what item you have equipped right now in your real life. I’m currently wearing my Maroon Shoes of Moderate Stench. I have really, really sweaty feet so my shoes get smelly pretty quickly. I’ve only had these shoes for like eight months, and they’re already pretty moderately stinky. I need to start applying my Powder of Vanquishing Odor more regularly, I guess.

We have five Steam and three Switch NA keys to give out. Winners will be drawn Tuesday, April 7. Make sure to comment using a Dtoid account with your current email address, and be sure to specify which platform you’d like. New users can sign up here to discuss their currently-equipped items!

Darkest Hunters is available now for PC and Nintendo Switch. Our sister sites PC Invasion and Nintendo Enthusiast also have keys, so check there for more chances to win!