Contest: Win a free year of Apple Arcade, courtesy of Ultimate Rivals: The Rink


Rapinoe FTW

Our pals over at Ultimate Rivals: The Rink have given us a free year of Apple Arcade to give away in today’s contest!

Wayne Gretzy is great at hockey — that’s a given. After all, his nickname is The Great One. But is Alex Morgan any good at it? How’s about Russel Wilson? Lebron James? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

Thankfully, Ultimate Rivals: The Rink is here to answer these age-old queries. To celebrate its all-knowing might, the team behind the game are giving away a free year of Apple Arcade so you can play this, and many other games, to your heart’s content. Work productivity is on the decline, gang.

Ultimate Rivals: The Rink pits more than 55 American and international sports stars against one another in the ultimate manifestation of winter recreation: Hockey. There are basketball players, football players (both American and footie), and of course, actual hockey stars. A bunch of ’em, in fact! These players all face off in face offs, minus the awesome part where Nicolas Cage shows up. Maybe some DLC? Downloadable Cage, baby! Do it, team!

Anyway, this is hockey with some of the best athletes the world has to offer. What’s not to like? Except Sidney Crosby. No one likes him.

The Ultimate Rivals team are giving away a year of Apple Arcade to celebrate the game’s recent release! To enter to win, use the widget below to leave your name and email address. You can enter daily. Poke around in there for ways to earn bonus entries.

We’ve got one year of Apple Arcade up for grabs — you’re bound by Apple’s laws and all of that for eligibility and content with Apple Arcade, so yeah! Our winner will be drawn Wednesday, January 29.

Ultimate Rivals: The Rink is available now for iOS devices.

Contest: Win a free year of Apple Arcade, courtesy of Ultimate Rivals: The Rink