Contest: Win a Shin Megami Tensei IV box set!


You know you want this

[Update: Contest over! Winners are Option1Soul (for this blog) and TheSpookyGhost (for this video)! Thanks to everyone who entered!]

Shin Megami Tensei IV is out today, and our friends at Atlus are celebrating by giving us two SMT IV box sets to hand out to the Destructoid community!

To win, you need to prove to us why you’re worthy of receiving such a glorious gift. Write a community blog professing your adoration for the series, record a video of yourself singing a Shin Megami Tensei love song, draw a picture, write a poem — you get the idea. What you do is up to you, but it’s gotta be good. This is not a random drawing!

Once you’ve created your tribute, post a link to it in the comments below for judgement. You have until this Friday, July 19 at 11:59 PM Pacific to enter, and the contest is open to anyone with a U.S. or Canadian mailing address. Good luck!