Costume Quest 2 is still cute, trying to be more engaging


New costumes, from Thomas Jefferson to a pterodactyl

Costume Quest, like every Double Fine game, is charming. It’s a fresh-feeling, low stakes take on the JRPG genre, more Earthboundthan Final Fantasy.Though, as Chad put it in his review, it’s “RPG Lite,” accessible for all ages.

Double Fine doesn’t want to sacrifice that, but does want to make Costume Quest 2‘s combata bit more engaging. I was engaged with Paper Mario(or Final Fantasy VIII) style timed button presses that help your attacks do a bit more damage. Similarly, a well timed tap on defense will reduce the damage you take. This engagement, though, make things a bit easier so long as you can hit those button presses.

I was starting from the beginning of the game, so the fights may ramp up in intensity, but I was able to make it through the first area on auto-pilot, just using the attack of whichever costume I felt like wearing.

Still, I didn’t mind the basic JRPG battles, either, as I was taking in the colorful world. Down in the starting bayou, I smacked alligators to retrieve pieces for a clown costume. You can zip around on what I’m pretty sure are Heelys, which someone recently told me still exist. One of the starting enemies had a digital clock in its chest and they were all set to 4:20 (you know, the weed number), though that’s going to be changed to 2:30.

2:30. Tooth hurty. The main antagonist is a dentist. At the start of the game, a rip in time brings you to the dentist-ruled, terrifying, authoritarian future. He’s collaborating with some evil witch. You’re then rocketed back in time to stop him after a cyborg ninja crow teaches you how to fight.

Also, there’s a Thomas Jefferson costume. Its special move is the Declaration of Destruction. He throws it dramatically at enemies, who will put on reading glasses and look at it closely before it explodes. And Jefferson’s out of battle ability, Diplomacy, is great, even though I never used it properly. I was only chastised, “This doesn’t seem like the time for diplomacy,” which amused me endlessly.

You also duel a little, fiddle-playing boy in a devil costume using your goofy clown horn. Costume Quest 2is just precious.