CRAP! Frostivus is cancelled…again


I did NOT see this coming

Just when everyone was 100% confident that nothing could go wrong, something goes wrong! Frostivus, the best holiday real or fake, is cancelled once again. Curiously enough though, it isn’t the work of the Greevils this time. No, this time it’s by “the only king that matters.” Also, the Skeleton King puppet on the top left of the page is gone if you mouse over its door. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, though. And you can no longer pick him in-game. Also just a coincidence I bet.

The background of the page asks for a commanderwho can supply their own legion, as well as mentioning a lost Greevil, warden of the woods, and two pups. So the Hero Legion Commander is pretty much confirmed to drop with the Frostivus patch, which is rumored to hit on December 21, the longest night of the year.

Man! I already ordered my Frostivus gifts!